While I have to admit that GOP’s Cyber Election Hit Squad Exposed sounds a bit ridiculous on the surface. I think there might be enough evidence to support further investigation.

“On Election Night 2004, the Republican Party not only controlled the vote-counting process in Ohio, the final presidential swing state, through a secretary of state who was a co-chair of the Bush campaign, but it also controlled the technology that allowed the tally of the vote in Ohio’s 88 counties to be reported to the media and voters. “

Read the article for the rest. Food for thought. Maybe the blogosphere will set off another political fury about the issue.

Interesting Conspiracy Theory
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On Virginia Tech and Life

While I have to admit that GOP’s Cyber Election Hit Squad Exposed sounds a bit ridiculous on the surface. I think there might be enough evidence to support f...

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OSS Progress

While I have to admit that GOP’s Cyber Election Hit Squad Exposed sounds a bit ridiculous on the surface. I think there might be enough evidence to support f...

Interesting Conspiracy Theory