
Collaborate is a gedit plugin which allows you to share documents with others over Jabber. It uses the Telepathy framework for communication.

This is a alpha software. Please do not use this software for critical documents (it's not secure and may very well eat your documents).

That said if you use this software and find it useful by all means, write me an email or contribute a patch.

I'm not taking bug reports yet as it's too early stage and I know alot of the bugs already.



12/15/2007 - Things are not dead here, I have just been really busy. For the moment there is no new code but I switched from darcs to git and the repository information has been updated below.

6/3/2007 - Released Version 0.0.2 - Refactored and cleaned up some of the rough edges. Check the ChangeLog. I will be gone for the next 3 weeks so I figured it would be good to push a release out.

6/2/2007 - Released Version 0.0.1 - Alpha.


Installation Instructions

To install on Ubuntu Feisty:

apt-get install cohoba (and get all the related dependencies)

Then add the cohoba "Contacts Overview" applet to your panel. Right click on it select "Accounts" and add the jabber account that you wish to use. Enable it.

Then extract these files and run these commands from the location of the extracted files.

mkdir -p ~/.gnome2/gedit/plugins/
cp collaborate.py ~/.gnome2/gedit/plugins/
cp collaborate.gedit-plugin ~/.gnome2/gedit/plugins/

Start gedit and go to Edit->Preferences and go to the Plugin tab and enable "Collaborate".

Now go to a document that you want to share and go to Tools->Share Document. The address of new chatroom should appear in the status bar. Tell your collaborators this address and then they can go to Tools->Join a Document and use that address.


I use git for version control. You can pull a copy of the repository from: http://github.com/mcolyer/collaborate/. To reach me you can email me at matt.removeifnotspam@colyer.name